Craft stands

These are stalls displaying wares which have been hand made locally by artisans. Jewellery, knitwear, pottery, cards, cakes and such like are clearly craft.

Craft stalls cost £10. Market stalls may be available for £50.

Stands Layout

Please use the form below to book a stand.

Type of stand
Please provide a brief description of the sort of goods or services that you will be retailing.

Community  (without stall) are free of charge.

I agree to transfer the sum of £40 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I agree to transfer the sum of £50 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I agree to transfer the sum of £10 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I agree to transfer the sum of £25 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I further agree to pay an agreed percentage of profits from the fete for the day to the Long Compton Community Fete Association charities fund.

I agree to transfer the sum of £65 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I further agree to pay an agreed percentage of profits from the fete for the day to the Long Compton Community Fete Association charities fund.