Community Stalls

All the local voluntary organisations in Long Compton and the nearby villages of Whichford, Barton and Wolford can have a stand at the Fete without any charge. Previously, some organisations have donated to the funds which we distribute to charities. This is very much appreciated.

Police, Fire, Army, and Air Cadets are all deemed to be local organisations.

Community organisations can have a market stall at a cost of £40 or alternatively use their own protection at no cost.

 Please use the form below to enquire about or book a stand.

Type of stand
Please provide a brief description of the sort of goods or services that you will be retailing.

Community  (without stall) are free of charge.

I agree to transfer the sum of £40 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I agree to transfer the sum of £50 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I agree to transfer the sum of £10 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I agree to transfer the sum of £25 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I further agree to pay an agreed percentage of profits from the fete for the day to the Long Compton Community Fete Association charities fund.

I agree to transfer the sum of £65 to the following bank before 24th June 2023

Bank: HSBC

Account name: Long Compton Community Fete Association

Sort Code: 40-18-57

Account number: 90685003

I further agree to pay an agreed percentage of profits from the fete for the day to the Long Compton Community Fete Association charities fund.