Car Boot Sale
This year we will have a Car Boot Sale with the following very reasonable charges.
Pre-booked cars £10.00 On the day £15
Pre-booked cars and trailer £15 On the day £20
Pre-booked vans £20.00 On the day £30
Set-up from 12 noon, public entry strictly from 1pm and fete ends at 5pm
Please remember:-
- Always arrive with plenty of time to set up your stall at the Car Boot sale.
- Plan the way you load your car ready for the Car Boot sale, so when you unload your car for the boot sale, everything comes out in the right order to be placed on your Car Boot stall.
- Always pack your selling table last. That way it's the first thing you take out when you get to the Car Boot sale. You don't want to have to unpack everything and then load them up to the table last.
- Make sure to pack refreshments, as you might not get the chance to leave your Car Boot sale selling table.
- Try to bring a friend. Having someone there to take over your stand on the Car Boot sale if you need to do something is a great tool.
- Make sure you have change. You don't want to be turning away sales because you can't give the correct change.
- Keep your money with you at all times in a money belt, so you're always ready to make a sale.
- Long Compton Community Fete Association (LCCFA) will not accept any liability or responsibility for any transactions on the Car Boot sale.
- Person or persons entering the Car Boot Sale do so at their own risk.
- LCCFA are not responsible for any loss or damage to any person's car / property entering the site.
- Pets are welcome at the Boot Sale however owners are advised that they are legally responsible for their animals.
- No Littering, bins are conveniently located around the site, please use them.
- Disabled Parking, please display your blue badge to use the disabled parking.
- Safe Parking, please park your car as advised by stewards.
- Strictly No Counterfeit Goods, It is illegal to sell counterfeit goods anywhere in the UK and this Boot Sale is no exception.
- Firearms, Knives, Tobacco, Alcohol and Controlled Substances, it is strictly forbidden to sell any of the above items and any items that may fall into the above categories.
If you would like to have a stall at the Car Boot Sale please complete the form below or alternatively,
Contact: Sally 07870 545431 or email
Thank you, we hope to see you at the sale.